

The description of IF formula in Excel The formula of IF function in excel write as IF (logical_test, value_if, value_if_false) On this column should be fill only tree component, logical_test is any value or expression that can be evaluate as True or False. For example A10 = 100 this mean that at column A10 on excell have value 100 the expression evaluate as True. Otherwise the evaluation result is False. This only comparison the real value and compare to value at column A10. Value_if_true its mean that if the value at A10 is True then the logical_test is true. Value if_true can be fill by text string or word such as “Within Budget”, the word “Within Budget” will merge if logical_test argument evaluates as True. But if the value of logical_test is True and value_if_true is blank, this argument will result 0 (zer0). Value_if _false is other option if the logical_test is False. For example, the result of value_if_false fill by text still for example “Over Budget” this will merge ...

Mathematic Association

Association in Mathematics There is an association rule in mathematics, association rule is always applied on our calculator and computers that is used mathematics calculation on their software. Such as on Excel or on Database rule like Access Database. This calculation is a mathematical principle that is use in many applications. Association rule is priority on calculations, not all calculation has same priority on the calculation. Like on Javanese or other traditional rule there is a traditional socialization about this rule. In Javanese called “Pipolondo” its mean “Ping,”, “Poro,” “Lan,” “Sudo.” Ping is mean time by, Poro mean divide by, Lan mean Plus, and Sudo mean minus. On this calculation calculator and computer always use this rule, if there are calculations that is not use separate calculation, computer will always calculate first time and divide before calculate of plus and minus. As an example are listed below:

Real Number System

The natural numbers, or counting numbers, are the positive integers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, . . . . The negative integers are -1, -2, -3, . . .. . A number in the form a/b, where a and b are integers, b ­ 0, is a rational number. A real number that cannot be written as the quotient of two integers is called an irrational number, e.g., , , , Π, e, . There is a one-to-one correspondence between the set of real numbers and the set of points on an infinite line (coordinate line). Order among Real Numbers; Inequalities a > b means that a - b is a positive real number. If a <> If a <> If a <> 0, then ac <> If a <> bc. If a <> If 0 <> If a <> 0, then 1/a > 1/b. If a <> Absolute Value For any real number x, |x| = if x ³ 0, -x if x <> Properties If |x| = a, where a > 0, then x = a or x = -a. |x| = |-x|; -|x| ≤ x ≤ |x|; |xy| = |x| |y|. If |x| <> 0. ||x| - |y|| ≤ |x + y| ≤ |x| + |y|. = |x|.

Mathematical Language

--> In mathematical language, the propagation problem is known as an initial-value problem (Fig. Mat-2). Schematically, the problem is characterized by a differential equation plus an open region in which the equation holds. The solution of the differential equation must satisfy the initial conditions plus any “side” boundary conditions. Fig. Mat-1 The description of phenomena in a “continuous” medium such as a gas or a fluid often leads to partial differential equations. In particular, phenomena of “wave” propagation are described by a class of partial differential equations called “hyperbolic,” and these are essentially different in their properties from other classes such as those that describe equilibrium (“elliptic”) or diffusion and heat transfer (“parabolic”). Fig. Mat-2 Prototypes are: 1. Elliptic. Laplace ’s equation d 2 u/dx 2 + d 2 u/dy 2 = 0 Poisson’s equation d 2 u/dx 2 + d 2 u/dy 2 =g(x,y) These do not co...

Numerical Methods

Numerical Method Numerical methods almost never fail to provide an answer to any particular situation, but they can never furnish a general solution of any problem. The mathematical details outlined here include both analytic and numerical techniques useful in obtaining solutions to problems. Our discussion to this point has been confined to those areas in which the governing laws are well known. However, in many areas, information on the governing laws is lacking. Interest in the application of statistical methods to all types of problems has grown rapidly since World War II. Broadly speaking, statistical methods may be of use whenever conclusions are to be drawn or decisions made on the basis of experimental evidence. Since statistics could be defined as the technology of the scientific method, it is primarily concerned with the first two aspects of the method, namely, the performance of experiments and the drawing of conclusions from experiments. Traditionally the field is di...

Mathematic Principle

The basic problems of the sciences and engineering fall broadly into three categories: Steady state problems. In such problems the configuration of the system is to be determined. This solution does not change with time but continues indefinitely in the same pattern, hence the name “steady state.” Typical chemical engineering examples include steady temperature distributions in heat conduction, equilibrium in chemical reactions, and steady diffusion problems. Eigenvalue problems. These are extensions of equilibrium problems in which critical values of certain parameters are to be determined in addition to the corresponding steady-state configurations. The determination of eigenvalues may also arise in propagation problems. Typical chemical engineering problems include those in heat transfer and resonance in which certain boundary conditions are prescribed. Propagation problems. These problems are concerned with predicting the subsequent behavior of a system from a knowledge of the in...


Arithmetic is a branch of mathematics. The term can be used to refer to everything from simple numerical computations to abstract number theory. The two fundamental operations of arithmetic are addition and multiplication. The result of adding two numbers is called the sum of the numbers. The resulr of multiplying two numbers is called product. Substraction is inverse operation, or the undoing, of addition; the result is called the difference. The inverse of undoing, of multiplication is division; the result is called the quotient. Arithmetic of real numbers, that is, rational and irrational number, is based on a number of properties called field properties. One explanation for the common avoidance of the word arithmetic stems from the fact that, besides learning numbers and how to deal with them, students are often taught about shapes and the skill of measurements, which takes the subject somewhat beyond the purview of arithmetic. However, the common meaning of "Mental Math...