The description of IF formula in Excel The formula of IF function in excel write as IF (logical_test, value_if, value_if_false) On this column should be fill only tree component, logical_test is any value or expression that can be evaluate as True or False. For example A10 = 100 this mean that at column A10 on excell have value 100 the expression evaluate as True. Otherwise the evaluation result is False. This only comparison the real value and compare to value at column A10. Value_if_true its mean that if the value at A10 is True then the logical_test is true. Value if_true can be fill by text string or word such as “Within Budget”, the word “Within Budget” will merge if logical_test argument evaluates as True. But if the value of logical_test is True and value_if_true is blank, this argument will result 0 (zer0). Value_if _false is other option if the logical_test is False. For example, the result of value_if_false fill by text still for example “Over Budget” this will merge ...