Mathematic Association

Association in Mathematics

There is an association rule in mathematics, association rule is always applied on our calculator and computers that is used mathematics calculation on their software. Such as on Excel or on Database rule like Access Database. This calculation is a mathematical principle that is use in many applications.

Association rule is priority on calculations, not all calculation has same priority on the calculation. Like on Javanese or other traditional rule there is a traditional socialization about this rule. In Javanese called “Pipolondo” its mean “Ping,”, “Poro,” “Lan,” “Sudo.”

Ping is mean time by, Poro mean divide by, Lan mean Plus, and Sudo mean minus. On this calculation calculator and computer always use this rule, if there are calculations that is not use separate calculation, computer will always calculate first time and divide before calculate of plus and minus. As an example are listed below:


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