Your Formula is Wrong

Mathematics is based on assumpsion, if the formula is valid to the assumpsion then the formula is right. Every mathematic formula then use as the base on calculation and use by everybody that agree with that assumpsion. If everybody use that assumpsion and then use the formula that given by others then have same perception on something. Like on the statement below:

"I have a goat as big as a mountain," because the perception of us are generally same, then said if that statement is wrong. But if then you explain to others that mountain is a kind of big dog then people will agree with your statement, because mountain is not as big as their imagination. This also use when people creating the formula, they create an assumption and then create new formula to explain something new to others. By use the combination of that assumption and the new formula then other people will understand and have the same perception of something.

To create something new sometime we will get a difficulties because we are frozen by the first formula that currently available. Like numerical and real number that have been use sporadically. Sometime we must use new assumption to create new formula, and we must prove by ourself that the new formula is right and generally accepted.


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