Width and Volume Formula

Width and Volume on Mathematics Formula

1. Square Area = side length x side length
 A = a x b

2. Triangle Area = ½ x length of the base x high

A = ½ b x h

A = ½ (b1 + b2) x h

3. Circle Area

D A = π x D2/4

Where π = 3.14 and D = circle diameter

4. Ellipse Area

A = a x b x 0.7854
Where a is diameter long circle and b is diameter of short circle

5. Hexagonal Area, A = 0.6495 D2 or A = 2.598 R2

On create a formula to this six angle form; we can create an aid circle outside of the six angel form. We can calculate by many ways, using triangle formula or angel formula. Every triangle have similar angle, 60o so if can calculate for the first triangle so the total of those area are 6 time the triangle area. If we know the diameter of circle is D then the high of triangle is ½ D sin 60 = 0.433 D. The base of triangle are ½ D, so the Area of triangle is (½ D x 0.433 D)/2 = 0.10825 D2. The total area of six triangle are 6 x 0.10825 D2 = 0.6495 D2.

6. Pentagonal Area = 2.3776 x R2 = 0.594 D2

7. Octagonal Area = 2.828 R2 = 0.707 D2

8. Parabola Area

Area = B x 3/2 h

9. Ball Area and Volume

Area = π x D2
Volume = 1/3 x π D3

10. Cylinder Area and Volume

Cylinder Area = Cup Area + Shell Area = ½ π D2 + π D h

Volume = π D2/4 x h


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