Calculate Sinus Equotion

Calculate this sinus mathematical practice:
A sinusoidal graphic shown like on the picture as follows:

Sinus Graph
On those above graph the curve is cut the X axis at -30o and cut the Y ordinate at 1. Please choose the right answer on the multiple choice below:

a) y = 2 Sin (2x + π/6)
b) y = 2 Sin (x - π/6)
c) y = 2 Sin (x + π/6)
d) y = 2 Sin 2(x + π/6)
e) y = Cos (2x + π/6)

The above graph is sinus graph, for this statement so the answer e is wrong. If the graph cut on x axis in minus 30 degree value, if calculate using π, 30 degree = π/6, where 2π = 360 degree. So the right equation should be - π/6, the answer that have same with this statement only b, so the answer of this question is b.


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